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We believe that our main purposes satisfy the public benefit requirement as follows: 2.1 relieve poverty, sickness and promote inter-generational well being of the inhabitants of the Melmount and East Bank Estates.


The direct benefits which flow from purpose 2.1 include access to affordable but at most times free services and educational outings which is aimed at social inclusion which leads to improved mental and physical health, education and raised awareness around health issues (mental and Physical) as well as community safety.


Our community activities have seen an increased participation and involvement from the older residents within the community who otherwise would not have the opportunity to take part or engage in such activities. All projects and activities are organised based upon identifying needs in the area.


Benefits are demonstrated through feedback from participants and attendance at our many events and activities. Those who participate in our projects directly benefit through this engagement.


The wider community of Melmount and Strabane district benefit as a direct result of information published in our monthly newsletter as well as through our face book page and local notice board. The Melmount Forum promotes equality of opportunity without distinction of age, gender, race, political religious or other opinion.

Are you a Arts & Crafts Tutor, A Transport Service or a Lecturer?
Then we would like to add you to our database of suppliers........

Public Benefits

What our Organisation Does:

About us

The Melmount Forum was set up to improve the quality of life for the residents of the Melmount and East Banks Estates area of Strabane.


This area has been identified as an area of high deprivation. The Melmount Forum has been in operation since May 2000 focusing on Housing, Social Welfare, Environmental and community safety issues that are prevalent to the area. In order to deal with community issues in a coordinated and structured manner an inter agency approach was adopted and meetings are held on a monthly basis with the statutory and voluntary agencies with a remit for the area being in attendance.


The Melmount Forum undertakes the form of a hub for many of the community, voluntary and statutory agencies in the delivery of information sessions on Drug and Alcohol addiction awareness and well as suicide and crisis intervention workshops throughout the district.

© 2017 by Melmount Community Forum.

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